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Creating a bike sharing scheme for the future city of Eko Atlantic, Nigeria.

Winter 2019


The Brief

(Re)Imagine the identity of a local bike hire scheme in a city of your choosing. This can be one that already exists or a new scheme.


Pick either a GPS, dock based or monthly lease bike scheme, depending on what makes the most sense to your chosen location. This challenge is all about the brand identity for your scheme. Don’t get hung up on what makes this scheme different from others, but instead how your identity can encourage people to opt for a bike over other options. 

The Outcome

Eko Atlantic is a new development in the coastal city of Lagos, Nigeria. It is designed for the future with leading infrastructural technology and urban planning techniques. It will become a new financial hub for Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

After extensive research into contemporary African design, I developed a brand identity that aimed to convey a sense of futuristic vibrance and utility. To deliver on this vision I created; an app for using the scheme, promotional OOH and social media advertising, graphics for the bikes themselves, and concepts for how docking stations could become a public utility instead of street litter. In 2024 I completely remade the app part of the project.

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